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April 12, 2009

Easter Break and Flat Broke

Spring time,a season of rebirth and new beginnings.this what I'v been discussing with a friend of mine lives upper-west side of German.and really it is time to change,of which our ancestors had coined a nicer version: " turn over a new leaf".learn new things,ie: uh skateboarding,anyone?.

Easter comes again,an awaited 1st quarter-term break.The el perfecto time for those to enjoy the warmth and serenity of the all time captivating Paris.I had just let the golden opp go,down the drain,circumstances I couldnt avoid but handled wisely I guess.p/s: Bonjour! njoy ur time there,faris and comrades.sun-bathing in Monaco at best time of the year,what not.but hell this' not my thing,I'm already perfect-tan.LOLs.

Needlessly obfuscated as ever,but I did send the message across ait,I'm traveling fund is drained

Seconds turn into days.what would anyone do when the cash is limited to the point which an ice cream seems a luxury(exaggerating),with internet down,but plenty... of time.answer:doing things which costs not-a-damn-thing.stay in ur home residing area,walk the evening,improve the agility to cover a larger radius,day to day till holiday is over,sit back on ur couch(only if u hav one) and observe ur that might sound cheezy in the best way but who knows u might find anything that chills ur days.I did,and I'm stuff u hardly had a glimpse during ur day-of-glory.

trust me folks, it was relaxing than ever to have had ice creams in park,chilled with friends while the locals' sunbathing,mesmerizing the summer breeze,enjoyed each and every second of spring, the fact that I dont yet hav sunglasses is forgiven,just enjoy the moment.listening to the birds sing their award winning rhythm,chirped at times.Oh,another beautiful day of spring.

figure 1: Hofgarten,Kempten. credit to ot for the shot ( N0kia E66)

footnote:forget not to take ur cam along.

the name is marshall,
can someone contribute to my travelin fund ;/


Asma Azizan said...

good bloog indeed. lol anda dispam!


perdaus said...

LOLs,bru prsan
ceh spam!!!