the entire town
There was a time in my life when I fancy snow,which would amaze me every single moment I give a thought about it.duh,,now that I've gone through the season,it's time for me to reconcile the passing fancy of mine.not really,btw i still like snow,winter in particular;it's just when the season goes apparently longer than usual,it's bit uncomfortable,unwelcoming sort of feeling wrapped up the are frozen.You cant go out that frequent,and when you do want,the least are 4layers of clothes.Physical activities are limited,no wonder polar bears hibernate that long.
it feels like an appalling torture to imagine -12 degrees Celsius in Kempten.
But today the snow has slowly diminished from sight.can see an old man lives in the apartment behind mine taking the time of his life relaxing in his balcony' couch ;open air for a record. personally,i hope that winter has come to an end for real.i really do. and the massive snow wouldn't scare away the darling buds of 'April'.Oh,I just cant wait for the spring.